Most small businesses do not have access to HR resources which could help them deal with unexpected problems which can arise. The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan Business Assistance Service is designed with this in mind. The BAS is a confidential service offered to all enrolled firms and employees for free through their Chamber Plan. For business owners the service can provide up to 6 hours (combined) of free management services such as legal, accounting and specialized human resources advice per calendar year.
For employees the service provides a confidential referral with up to 12 hours of counseling per insured employee per calendar year for work related problems, dependency problems, marital and family problems and personal problems.
The Business Assistance Service is free so the employer will incur no out of pocket expenses and they are not required to submit any claim forms. For more information contact Management Services, Human Resources Coaching and Confidential Referral: 1-877-922-8646 or call Chamber Group Insurance Plans: 1-800-665-3365